One on the right is an ESP12E, one on the left is an ESP12F.
The ESP12F has a better antenna as noted above.
Does using DIO instead of QIO mode (on boards wired for the former only) mean that we can use GPIO 9 and 10 from within Espruino?
Not tried it out yet, I've been meaning to do a test run off all the pins to get a solid mapping set. Anyone else?
@DrAzzy started
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
One on the right is an ESP12E, one on the left is an ESP12F.
The ESP12F has a better antenna as noted above.
Does using DIO instead of QIO mode (on boards wired for the former only) mean that we can use GPIO 9 and 10 from within Espruino?