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  • @Gordon Have you seen this ESP-WROOM-32 (ESP32) programming board with spring contacts? I know the nRF52-based MDBT42Q is smaller, but I'm wondering if something similar could be made from one of these boards. I've found this one very easy to work with.­OM-32-Module-Minimum-Development/dp/B071­3PR4RZ

    (If you Google Image Search "ESP-WROOM-32 fixture" you'll see some better images. The ESP-WROOM-32 just clicks into place and stays there until you snap it out)

    Looking at mine, I think you might be able to hack the contacts off one of these and onto your own board, with a Dremel, a tiny iron, some tweezers and a lot of patience.

    Edit: or, come to think of it, if you don't need the short-edge contacts, you could probably just saw out the two rows of side contacts and move them closer together!


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