• 3. For the third step, we tidy up the module code with some (extra) documentation.

    It is very useful to include in the module code - as comment - some terse documentation about the usage of the module, see example in DS18B20 temperature sensor module. The embedded module documentation/information is at the beginning in block comment.

    The usage example is taken from current code. The code to be and to be used as a module -
    lines 5..65 - looks like this:

    // TemperatureDevTest2.js
    require("DS18B20"); // used by the dynamically loaded module
    Modules.addCached("Temperature", function() {
    /* Copyright (c) 2017 ... */
    Module to wrap application of DS18B20 temp sensor module in Temperature class
    ` ` `
    var oneWire = new OneWire(B8);
    var Temperature = require("Temperature");
    var ts1 = new Temperature
      ( "office" // name / location of temperatre sensor 1
      , oneWire
      , null     // addr on one-wire currently not implemented / used
      , 5000     // every 5 secs make a read (to keep it not booring)
      , "F"      // preferred unit is Fahrenheit
    var temp = 0;
    setTimeout() { function() {
      var tempTemp = ts1.getTemp(); // get temperature,...
      if (tempTemp != temp) {       // ... if changed from last time,...
        temp = tempTemp;            // ... hold on to it and...
        console.log(new Date() + ": " + temp; // ...print it;...
      } }, 10000); // ...every ten seconds // ...do this every 10 seconds
    ` ` `
    // Temperature 'class'/prototype definition
    var Temperature = function // module (class), for multiple instances
      ( name      // name hinting room / location of sensor\
      , oneWire   // one-wire; for example: new OneWire(B8);
      , addr      // address on the one-wire (required for multiples)
      , interval  // interval in milliseconds of measurements
      , preferred // optional, unit - "C" or "F" (default and not F is C)
      ) {
      // set givens
      this.name       = name;
      this.oneWire    = oneWire;
      this.addr       = addr;
      this.interval   = interval;
      this.preferred  = (preferred==="F") ? "F" : "C";
      this.enabled    = (typeof enabled === "undefined") || enabled;
      this.t = (this.preferred==="C") ? 0 : 32; // set current to 'frozen'
      this.intervalId = null; // later also used as indicator for enabled
      this.sensor     = null; // laster also used as indicatore for connected
      // get going
      this.sensor = require("DS18B20").connect(this.oneWire);
      this.intervalId = setInterval(function(_this) {
          _this.sensor.getTemp(function(t) {
          _this.t = t;
      }, this.interval, this);
    Temperature.prototype.getTemp = function
    ( unit // optional, unit "F" or "C", default "C"
    ) {
      var u = ((typeof unit !== "undefined") && (unit === "F")) ? "F" : "C";
      var d = (u === "F")
        ? (this.t * 1.8) + " Fahrenheit"
        : this.t + " Celsius";
      return d;
    exports = Temperature;
    // usage
    // setup oneWire
    var oneWire = new OneWire(B8);
    // setup 1st temperature sensor ts1
    var Temperature = require("Temperature");
    var ts1 = new Temperature
      ( "office" // name / location of temperatre sensor 1
      , oneWire
      , null     // addr on one-wire currently not implemented / used
      , 5000     // every 5 secs make a read (to keep it not booring)
      , "F"      // preferred unit is Fahrenheit
    // for sample's sake, do everhthing deferred for more 
    // than 5 seconds in order to have value(s) to display
    // get temp in preferred unit 

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