1. For a first step, we develop the module code and usage in single fileTemperatureDevTest.js:
The code below is working and covers basically the above requirements for the module:
// TemperatureDevTest.js
// 'class' (Prototype definition)
var Temperature = function // module (class), for multiple instances
( name // name hinting room / location of sensor\
, oneWire // one-wire; for example: new OneWire(B8);
, addr // address on the one-wire (required for multiples)
, interval // interval in milliseconds of measurements
, preferred // optional, unit - "C" or "F" (default and not F is C)
) {
// set givens
this.name = name;
this.oneWire = oneWire;
this.addr = addr;
this.interval = interval;
this.preferred = (preferred === "F") ? "F" : "C";
this.enabled = (typeof enabled === "undefined") || enabled;
this.t = (this.preferred==="C") ? 0 : 32; // set current to 'frozen'
this.intervalId = null; // later also used as indicator for enabled
this.sensor = null; // laster also used as indicatore for connected
// get going
this.sensor = require("DS18B20").connect(this.oneWire);
this.intervalId = setInterval(function(_this) {
_this.sensor.getTemp(function(t) {
_this.t = t;
}, this.interval, this);
Temperature.prototype.getTemp = function
( unit // optional, unit "F" or "C", default "C"
) {
var u
= (typeof unit === "undefined") ? this.preferred
: (unit === "F" ) ? "F"
: "C"
var d = (u === "F")
? (this.t * 1.8 + 32) + " Fahrenheit"
: this.t + " Celsius";
return d;
// usage
// setup oneWire
var oneWire = new OneWire(B8);
// setup 1st temperature sensor ts1
var ts1 = new Temperature
( "office" // name / location of temperatre sensor 1
, oneWire
, null // addr on one-wire currently not implemented / used
, 5000 // every 5 secs make a read (to keep it not booring)
, "F" // preferred unit is Fahrenheit
// for sample's sake, do everhthing deferred for more
// than 5 seconds in order to have value(s) to display
// get temp in preferred and ad-hoc specified units
The output - in the console - is as expected (code unrelated: unusually hot... a heat wave... usually it is around 50 F or even less this early in the morning...)
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1. For a first step, we develop the module code and usage in single file TemperatureDevTest.js:
The code below is working and covers basically the above requirements for the module:
The output - in the console - is as expected (code unrelated: unusually hot... a heat wave... usually it is around 50 F or even less this early in the morning...)