Was trying to exercise a module by using a button press on my Olimex Gateway board. This board has a button, led, sd card, and Ethernet plug, a really nice board by the way. I digress, the button is connected to D34 but when I run the following code, it crashes and resets.
function buttonDown(){
setWatch(buttonDown,D34,{repeat:true, edge:'rising'});
I have tried running this code with both espruino_1v92_esp32.bin and espruino_1v94.23_esp32.bin firmware and they both crash, although espruino_1v94.23_esp32.bin seems to handle it much better.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Was trying to exercise a module by using a button press on my Olimex Gateway board. This board has a button, led, sd card, and Ethernet plug, a really nice board by the way. I digress, the button is connected to D34 but when I run the following code, it crashes and resets.
I have tried running this code with both espruino_1v92_esp32.bin and espruino_1v94.23_esp32.bin firmware and they both crash, although espruino_1v94.23_esp32.bin seems to handle it much better.
I am including the core dump.
All help is appreciated.
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