With the resistor between data and 3.3V, running just on ground and data, should not be a concern of the module... 'Properly' hardwired and capacitor / diode supported sensor should do just as fine... with resistor related and parasitic power supply capacitor - capacitor of sufficient capacity.
@Gordon, if 3.3V is not properly supported, why would @Blizzard get a proper sensor serial # (w/ correct calculated checksum)?
[powering mode] ...should not be a concern of the module...
I was wrong about this... module implementation matters: module has to apply 'strong pull up' within 10[us] for at least 10[ms] after sending Convert T [44h] or Copy Scratchpad [48h] command (with no other bus activity going on) to support at least 1.5[mA] current for the requested operation.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
With the resistor between data and 3.3V, running just on ground and data, should not be a concern of the module... 'Properly' hardwired and capacitor / diode supported sensor should do just as fine... with resistor related and parasitic power supply capacitor - capacitor of sufficient capacity.
@Gordon, if 3.3V is not properly supported, why would @Blizzard get a proper sensor serial # (w/ correct calculated checksum)?
I was wrong about this... module implementation matters: module has to apply 'strong pull up' within 10[us] for at least 10[ms] after sending Convert T [44h] or Copy Scratchpad [48h] command (with no other bus activity going on) to support at least 1.5[mA] current for the requested operation.