Here is the code (which won't run in isolation) as it requires files too...
var model = { setpoint : 66, timer : 60, temp: [50,50] // counter : 3600 }; var event_cb = { timer : function (t) { model.counter = t * 60; } }; event_cb.timer(model.timer); function tick() { var d = new Date(model.counter * 1000); model.counterstr = d.toString().split(' ')[4]; model.counter -= 1;; model.usage=process.memory().usage; } setInterval(tick, 1000); function onPageRequest(req, res) { var a = url.parse(req.url, true); /**/ // console.log(a); console.log({sckt:req.sckt}); console.log(req.headers); //console.log(req.method); /**/ var file = a.pathname; if (file == '/') { file = '/index.htm'; } var headers = {}; if (req.method == 'PUT') return put_file(req, res); var f; try { f = E.openFile('www' + file, "r"); } catch (e) { // look for compressed try { f = E.openFile('www' + file + '.gz', "r"); headers['Content-Encoding'] = 'gzip'; } catch (e) { console.log('no file' + file); } } if (f !== undefined) { var mime = 'text/html'; if (file.substr(-2) == 'js') mime = 'application/javascript'; if (file.substr(-3) == 'css') mime = 'text/css'; if (file.substr(-3) == 'ico') mime = 'image/'; headers['Content-Type'] = mime; res.writeHead(200, headers); console.log('started:' + file ); f.pipe(res, { chunkSize : 512, end : false, complete : function () { console.log("Complete:" + file); f.close(); res.end(); } }); } else { res.writeHead(404, { 'Content-Type' : 'text/plain' }); res.end("404: Page " + a.pathname + " not found"); } } var server = require('ws').createServer(onPageRequest); var update_model=false; server.on("websocket", function (ws) { ws.on('message', function (msg) { //console.log((msg)); var data = JSON.parse(msg); console.log(data); if ( update_model ) { for (var o in data) { //console.log( o, data[o] ); model[o] = data[o]; if (event_cb.hasOwnProperty(o)) { event_cb[o](data[o]); } } } }); function send_model() { var s=JSON.stringify(model); ws.send(s); s=null; } setInterval(send_model, 1000); }); function start() { server.listen(8080); } start();
@Wilberforce started
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Here is the code (which won't run in isolation) as it requires files too...