• Done! : )

    I removed everything from npm, reverted everything back to defaults, unpaired/removed the puck with bluetoothctl, cleared the cache, restarted, removed all code from the IDE and saved the blank file, then I tried to pair straight from the IDE -- no pairing with bluetoothctl first, though I did have it open in the terminal.

    This is what the 'good' output looked like:

    [CHG] Controller 00:16:EB:79:49:23 Discovering: yes
    [NEW] Device F7:86:42:E9:36:7C Puck.js 367c
    [CHG] Device F7:86:42:E9:36:7C RSSI: -55
    [CHG] Device F7:86:42:E9:36:7C RSSI is nil
    [CHG] Controller 00:16:EB:79:49:23 Discovering: no
    [CHG] Device F7:86:42:E9:36:7C Connected: yes
    [CHG] Device F7:86:42:E9:36:7C Trusted: yes
    [NEW] Primary Service
    	Generic Attribute Profile
    [NEW] Primary Service
    	Nordic UART Service
    [NEW] Characteristic
    	Nordic UART RX
    [NEW] Descriptor
    	Client Characteristic Configuration
    [NEW] Characteristic
    	Nordic UART TX
    [CHG] Device F7:86:42:E9:36:7C UUIDs: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
    [CHG] Device F7:86:42:E9:36:7C UUIDs: 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
    [CHG] Device F7:86:42:E9:36:7C UUIDs: 6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e
    [CHG] Device F7:86:42:E9:36:7C ServicesResolved: yes

    Gordon, thanks again for your patience and persistence. I'm still not sure what went wrong or what fixed it. : \ I hope that things stay fixed!


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