• FYI, I didn't post this before, but this is the console output from the PC's Web IDE, if I try to connect directly to the puck:

    >>> Connecting...
    Set Slow Write = true
    >>> Connecting to Puck.js 367c
    BT>  Device Name:       Puck.js 367c
    BT>  Device ID:         /V/CLksgIvVJ0Sn0qd0mAA==
    >>> Connected to BLE
    BT> Connected
    BT> Disconnected (gattserverdisconnected)
    ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed.
    >>> Connection Failed.
    BT> ERROR: NetworkError: GATT Server is disconnected. Cannot retrieve services. (Re)connect first with `device.gatt.connect`.
    ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed.
    >>> Connection Failed.

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