My use case was not to use it for flashing code to the board but rather being able to connect to the Espruino though a web-ui in Chrome and be able to update files on the SD card. This would let me have someone configure the Espruino WiFi with their WiFi credentials via a web-app and then send this info into the Espruino.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Bummer didn't realise it would be so difficult I assumed it was basically just settingÂatform-capability-descriptor and away we go.
My use case was not to use it for flashing code to the board but rather being able to connect to the Espruino though a web-ui in Chrome and be able to update files on the SD card. This would let me have someone configure the Espruino WiFi with their WiFi credentials via a web-app and then send this info into the Espruino.