• Now that looks like a gee whiz chip.
    Connecting it is the easy part.
    You setup an I2C object connect the pins and make sure the pull up resistors are enabled.
    The datasheet


    From the datasheet section 4.6 the I2C Bus Address is either 0x28 or 0x29.
    Section 4.2 list the registers.
    The register at 0x00 is the chip ID

    var Busaddress=0x28;
    var ChipId=0;
    // set up I2C
    I2C1.setup({ scl : B6, sda: B7 }); //you have to configure the pins and wiring
    // tell the chip which register to access
    I2C1.writeTo(Busaddress, ChipID);
    // read byte from ChipID register
    var d = I2C1.readFrom(Busaddress,1); //1 byte
    console.log(d.toString(16)); // in hex
    // should be 0xa0 see 4.3.1 in datasheet

    The hard part is setting up to read and write all the registers and even more so specific bits in each register.

    On soldering, a low wattage iron, a holder for the iron when not in use, a small shallow container with a wet sponge to clean the tip. In years past I used a light dimmer to control the power to the iron. A really pointy tip is a blessing.
    Depending on your budget a temperature controlled iron is a blessing $100 or so.

    Happy soldering:)
