Solved; was "Missing Wifi.js, http.js?"

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  • Admittedly, I'm not playing by the rules here -- running CLI espruino on a manually-flashed bare ESP32 -- but right now I'm getting:

    Espruino.Core.Utils.getURL: got HTTP status code 404 for­.js
    Espruino.Core.Utils.getURL: got HTTP status code 404 for­.js
    Espruino.Core.Utils.getURL: got HTTP status code 404 for
    Module http not found
    Espruino.Core.Utils.getURL: got HTTP status code 404 for
    Module Wifi not found

    Shouldn't these files exist? Anyone else getting this? Have I missed something obvious?


  • Out of interest, are you using the CLI from NPM, or GitHub?

    Those modules are built-in, and this usually happens if the CLI hasn't been able to work out what type of board is connected (it queries process.env when it connects) so it doesn't know that the libraries are actually built in.

    There was a bug in the order in which the CLI did things that messed this up, but I thought that was fixed - it's entirely possible I haven't updated it in NPM though, and I'll try and do that today.

  • NPM, installed last night. I made the obvious realisation they were built-in shortly after posting, but locked the thread by accident. This is what happens when I try to code late at night while on heavy medication! :)

    It's quite conceivable it'll get confused anyway; I'm using a no-name dev carrier board... a sweet spring-loaded fixture from ebay for programming bare ESP32 modules without soldering.


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Solved; was "Missing Wifi.js, http.js?"

Posted by Avatar for tom.gidden @tom.gidden
