Aaha, so that's why the restart made the LCD unhappy! I'd worked around it by putting connect() in a timeout - I had just assumed it needed a second or two before it would accept commands.
Regarding the vector fonts (some background for @Pat) - The original vector font looked fine at large sizes (like a huge temperature number), but it looked absolutely miserable at small sizes - it was unreadable; all the lines were bold, and at small sizes, the holes and gaps between lines in the letters were filled up by the width of the lines. But this was okay, you could just use the bitmap font. But to reduce binary size, the bitmap font is now smaller than it used to be (as you probably can see, it's kind of hard to read on the Nokia5110 screen). This prompted people (including me) to complain, because we couldn't print readable text at a reasonable size on the Nokia 5110 screen (either vector which was too large, or hard to read at small sizes, or bitmap which was too tiny). And so now we have a vector font that shows up at small sizes - but at large sizes, it doesn't seem to come out so well.
We do now have the ability to define bitmap fonts of our own design now. This may be helpful for you - but making gigantic bitmap fonts is not memory efficient. It does solve the issue that originally motivated the complaints about the vector font though (by giving us a way to get the 8x8 font that's more readable on displays like the Nokia5110). I need to play with that this weekend...
Amazing how something like displaying text can be tricky like this - it's one of those things where functionality (effectively communicating text to viewer) and aesthetics are hard to separate, and that just makes it much harder. Plus, we're all used to systems that can throw tons of resources at rendering fonts.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Aaha, so that's why the restart made the LCD unhappy! I'd worked around it by putting connect() in a timeout - I had just assumed it needed a second or two before it would accept commands.
Regarding the vector fonts (some background for @Pat) - The original vector font looked fine at large sizes (like a huge temperature number), but it looked absolutely miserable at small sizes - it was unreadable; all the lines were bold, and at small sizes, the holes and gaps between lines in the letters were filled up by the width of the lines. But this was okay, you could just use the bitmap font. But to reduce binary size, the bitmap font is now smaller than it used to be (as you probably can see, it's kind of hard to read on the Nokia5110 screen). This prompted people (including me) to complain, because we couldn't print readable text at a reasonable size on the Nokia 5110 screen (either vector which was too large, or hard to read at small sizes, or bitmap which was too tiny). And so now we have a vector font that shows up at small sizes - but at large sizes, it doesn't seem to come out so well.
We do now have the ability to define bitmap fonts of our own design now. This may be helpful for you - but making gigantic bitmap fonts is not memory efficient. It does solve the issue that originally motivated the complaints about the vector font though (by giving us a way to get the 8x8 font that's more readable on displays like the Nokia5110). I need to play with that this weekend...
Amazing how something like displaying text can be tricky like this - it's one of those things where functionality (effectively communicating text to viewer) and aesthetics are hard to separate, and that just makes it much harder. Plus, we're all used to systems that can throw tons of resources at rendering fonts.