I had their Wifi-NodeM board. It detected virtually no Access Points. I concluded the radio was very poor, maybe since it was embedded in the board on the Wifi-NodeM.
There was an odd trick that got it to work - which I don't fully remember but - it involved shorting a a pin to the hole in the antenna. Do that and reception good.
This workaround, worked very well, but I felt the chips got very hot. Again, because the chipset is uncovered I couldn't tell you if this is hotter than a nodeMCU board would run.
Tried to return and get money back, which seller agreed to, but postage terms and costs made it infeasible.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I had their Wifi-NodeM board. It detected virtually no Access Points. I concluded the radio was very poor, maybe since it was embedded in the board on the Wifi-NodeM.
There was an odd trick that got it to work - which I don't fully remember but - it involved shorting a a pin to the hole in the antenna. Do that and reception good.
This workaround, worked very well, but I felt the chips got very hot. Again, because the chipset is uncovered I couldn't tell you if this is hotter than a nodeMCU board would run.
Tried to return and get money back, which seller agreed to, but postage terms and costs made it infeasible.