Sorry for the late answer. I can't access to my personal documents from work. Here it i the full code:
// variables to set var wifiSSID = "xxxx"; var wifiPass = "xxxx"; // do not touch after this line var LED1 = D5; var LED2 = D14; var LED3 = D12; var button = D4; var colFrom = [0,0,0]; var colTo = [0,0,0]; var colFade = 0; pinMode(button, 'input_pulldown'); function setLeds() { colFade += 0.05; if (colFade>=1) { colFade = 0; colFrom = colTo; var c = E.HSBtoRGB(Math.random(),1,1); colTo = [ (c&0xFF)/256, ((c>>8)&0xFF)/256, ((c>>16)&0xFF)/256 ]; } analogWrite(LED1,colFrom[0]*(1-colFade) + colTo[0]*colFade, {soft:true}); analogWrite(LED2,colFrom[1]*(1-colFade) + colTo[1]*colFade, {soft:true}); analogWrite(LED3,colFrom[2]*(1-colFade) + colTo[2]*colFade, {soft:true}); } function power(state) { if (state === "on") { powerState = "on"; setInterval(setLeds, 500); } if (state === "off") { powerState = "off"; analogWrite(LED1, false); analogWrite(LED2, false); analogWrite(LED3, false); } } function startServer() { // start future http server var powerState = "off"; power("off"); setWatch(function(){ if (powerState === "off") { power("on"); powerState = "on"; } else { if (powerState === "on") { power("off"); powerState = "off"; } } }, button, {repeat:true, edge:"rising", debounce:50}); } function onInit() { var wifi = require('Wifi'); wifi.stopAP(); wifi.connect(wifiSSID, {password:wifiPass}, function(err, data){ if (err) { print('Error while connecting to access point' + wifiSSID); return; } print("connected? err=", err, "info=", wifi.getIP()); startServer(); }); } E.on('init', onInit()); save();
@azer started
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Sorry for the late answer. I can't access to my personal documents from work.
Here it i the full code: