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  • Ok, FFT is now fixed, and will be in the 1v92 release.

    When 1v92 is released you'll be able to use this (slightly cleaner & faster) code:

    var w = new Waveform(512,{doubleBuffer:true,bits:16}­);
    var a = new Uint16Array(512);
    w.on("buffer", function(buf) {
      var m=0,n=-1;
      for (var i=150;i<250;i++)if(a[i]>n)n=a[m=i];
      console.log(m.toFixed(0)+"Hz @ "+n);

    The 'for' loop is intentionally quite tight - Espruino's execution speed isn't that fast so I'm trying to make it as quick as possible.

    The @ xxx part that's printed is the volume of the most prominent frequency. If no frequency is playing then you'll get a random frequency shown, but with a lower volume.

    Also, just a note: don't expect great battery life when using this. Realistically you'll need to use a bigger power source if you want to get more than a day's life out of it.


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