Black battery wire to GND, red battery wire to VUSB. The wires soldered into the back side of the JST connector where the battery plugs into the PCB. There's a fuel gauge in the circuit, but I think that's just for charging. I used a modified USB cable so that the ground and V+ from the computer is not connected, only the data lines are connected. My PCB was designed with a USB connector on it for charging the battery, so I provide the USB power there, until I get the board redesigned.
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Black battery wire to GND, red battery wire to VUSB. The wires soldered into the back side of the JST connector where the battery plugs into the PCB. There's a fuel gauge in the circuit, but I think that's just for charging. I used a modified USB cable so that the ground and V+ from the computer is not connected, only the data lines are connected. My PCB was designed with a USB connector on it for charging the battery, so I provide the USB power there, until I get the board redesigned.