But, when flash a new firmware, I have to upload/save the js file again.
Can some js file be added AS A PART of the firmware , and can be flashed(not upload or save) to the ESPs, and be executed when the ESPs boot/reboot.
When we change the js file, we make a new firmware that contains the js file, and then we flash or OTA the ESPs.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
But, when flash a new firmware, I have to upload/save the js file again.
Can some js file be added AS A PART of the firmware , and can be flashed(not upload or save) to the ESPs, and be executed when the ESPs boot/reboot.
When we change the js file, we make a new firmware that contains the js file, and then we flash or OTA the ESPs.