• Read this old thread: http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/267148/?offset=75

    Am dealing with Ollie's situation, all I get back is Uncaught No 'ready' after AT+RST. Seems his issue was fixed by updating ESP8266, so I'm doing that (I'm not using a shim). I manually put the ESP into bootloader mode, made the update to esptool.py, and ran the following command.

    Rob::Robs-iMac { ~/Downloads }-> esptool.py -p /dev/cu.usbmodem1411 -b 115200 write_flash 0 ESP8266_AT25-SDK112-512k.bin 
    esptool.py v1.3
    Auto-detected Flash size: 8m
    Running Cesanta flasher stub...
    A fatal error occurred: Invalid head of packet ('\x13')