I would try to separate pulling the resources from the connect... Some device modules have an initialization sequence built into the connect function to put them into the state to be used. Some of that state may be volatile and get lost when powering the device down. The lost part has to be be redone when re-powered (is so with ave() with modules where .connect() initializes device (such as RFID reader MFRC522)).
I do not know puck well enough yet nor the e-paper display, but for any other Espruino board noty just I put the connect into the onInit(), which is called after the save() - and on every power on cycle ...or even into application controlled function to power up and connect. This other conversation may give you some insight combined with what you find on debugging your issue, which also will show the various differences - if there even are - between behavior of puck vs the other Espruino boards. I know though very well that since that conversation Promise(s) has been implemented which gives a nice relieve for coding... but the hardware 'challenges'/devices' own life cycle still stand and have to be addressed.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I would try to separate pulling the resources from the connect... Some device modules have an initialization sequence built into the connect function to put them into the state to be used. Some of that state may be volatile and get lost when powering the device down. The lost part has to be be redone when re-powered (is so with ave() with modules where .connect() initializes device (such as RFID reader MFRC522)).
I do not know puck well enough yet nor the e-paper display, but for any other Espruino board noty just I put the connect into the onInit(), which is called after the save() - and on every power on cycle ...or even into application controlled function to power up and connect. This other conversation may give you some insight combined with what you find on debugging your issue, which also will show the various differences - if there even are - between behavior of puck vs the other Espruino boards. I know though very well that since that conversation Promise(s) has been implemented which gives a nice relieve for coding... but the hardware 'challenges'/devices' own life cycle still stand and have to be addressed.