• Looks like the ff function free fall is the right track.
    There are two different interrupt pins on the chip a register controls which one is used
    and a different register controls polarity.
    Which interuppt pin is being used?

    ADXL345.prototype.interrupts = function(enable,map) {

    page 27

    Register 0x2F—INT_MAP (R/W)

    D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
    DATA_READY SINGLE_TAP DOUBLE_TAP Activity Inactivity FREE_FALL Watermark Overrun

    Any bits set to 0 in this register send their respective interrupts to
    the INT1 pin, whereas bits set to 1 send their respective interrupts
    to the INT2 pin. All selected interrupts for a given pin are OR’ed.
