I have to say the thought that previous configurations have an impact had occurred to me before. I played with 3 Pucks during development, and when ready, updated another 7 Pucks fresh from the box. So all Pucks are now running one and the same JavaScript. Interestingly, the bottom and the top outlier in these graphs are from the first 3 that I used for playing. I resetted them before the test, but I didn't wipe the firmware.
Nice graph - says it all:-)
I have to say that the three pucks I have currently tested are only consistent to within +- 3 degrees of each other at best. This is worse that I was expecting so I will be investing use of a DS18B20 when I find some time to do this. I was wondering whether this might be due to small differences in the config of each. Eg one may not have had its firmware updated yet. One may have had other code loaded previously.