As an aside, I started with the ESP8266-01 boards but eventually left them alone in favour of ESP8266-12 boards, or more specifically, development boards like the NodeMCU.
01 has really limited pin outs, less flash and you need to supply the power via FTDI and faff with flashing routines.
My current favourite is the D1 Mini (and replicas of). It's tiny and comes with pin header but you decide whether to solder it.
The NodeMCU is probably the best board in terms of exposing ESP8266 pins but it comes with pre-soldered pin header - great for breadboarding but it you want to use it in your application you need to pull all that out to keep it small.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
That's made my year ;)
As an aside, I started with the ESP8266-01 boards but eventually left them alone in favour of ESP8266-12 boards, or more specifically, development boards like the NodeMCU.
01 has really limited pin outs, less flash and you need to supply the power via FTDI and faff with flashing routines.
My current favourite is the D1 Mini (and replicas of). It's tiny and comes with pin header but you decide whether to solder it.
The NodeMCU is probably the best board in terms of exposing ESP8266 pins but it comes with pre-soldered pin header - great for breadboarding but it you want to use it in your application you need to pull all that out to keep it small.
Hope that's useful. Glad you are up and running!