@GarrettL, what I prepared for you are 2 emulations in html5 and movie clips of them running: your initial code and then the code with my suggestion changes to display the LEDs on the display in maximal size - in either vertical or horizontal orientation . Click RGBLightsEmulation2.html link, play with it, view the source (in the browser). To run it on Espruino, copy the portion from line 29 through 223 to the Espruino Web IDE, upload it to your board, and run it by entering in the console lightsOn() and lightsOff(), respective.
I used emulation to verify the code because I do not have the LED string and didn't want to wire up my SPI connected LCD to Original/Pico/Wifi/Puck Espruino boards (using the LCD over SPI is so slow that it does not allow to have 50ms redraw cycles... :(... ). Furthermore, emulation shows that cross development is easily and quickly to achieve, is very useful, and is fun. Note that I use your Espruino code as is (with a minor fix that has nothing to do with the emulation0)...
You can run the emulations yourself by clicking on the html attachments. You start and stop the lights by clicking on lightsOn() and lightsOff() buttons. These buttons are for convenience and work as if you entered the commands into the Espruino console (or browser debug console). Cycling through your light patterns is done by clicking repeatedly on the BTN button.
The code in html5 with my suggested modifications for displaying the LED string in maximal size - either vertical or horizontal - looks like below and includes the code for Espruino from line 83 thru 223:
<html><!-- RGBLightsEmulation2.html -->
<title>RGB Led Project - Help</title>
.btn-bar { padding: 0.3em 0 0.3em 0; }
.lcd { border: 1em [#AFAFAF](https://forum.espruino.com/search/?q=%23AFAFAF) solid; }
<!-- hardware emulation / manifestations -->
<div class="btn-bar">
<button id="BTN">BTN</button>
<canvas id="LCD" width="240px" height="320px" class="lcd"></canvas>
<div><!-- console entry conveniences -->
<div class="btn-bar">
<button onclick="lightsOn();">lightsOn()</button>
<button onclick="lightsOff();">lightsOff()</button>
<script> // some html5 helpers
var ee_ =
{ e: function(i) { return document.getElementById(i); }
<script> // Espruino shim / emulation
var Pin = function(id) {
this.id = id;
this.state = false;
this.watch = null;
this.connect(); // connect to hardware emulation / manifestation
Pin.prototype.connect = function() {
var hw = ee_.e(this.id), _this = this;
if (hw) {
hw.addEventListener("mousedown", function() { _this.setState(true ); });
hw.addEventListener("mouseup" , function() { _this.setState(false); });
Pin.prototype.setState = function(state) {
state = state && true;
if (this.state !== state) {
this.state = state;
if ( this.watch
&& ( this.watch.opts.edge === "both"
|| ( this.state && (this.watch.opts.edge === "rising" ))
|| (!this.state && (this.watch.opts.edge === "falling")) ) ) {
} } };
var ee_watches = [];
function setWatch(fnct, pin, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
opts.repeat = ("undefined" === typeof opts.repeat ) ? true : opts.repeat;
opts.edge = ("undefined" === typeof opts.edge ) ? "both" : opts.edge;
opts.debounce = ("undefined" === typeof opts.debounce) ? 0 : opts.debounce;
pin.watch = { fnct: fnct, opts: opts };
var SPI2 =
{ setup: function() {}
, send4bit: function() {}
var LCD =
{ dsp: ee_.e("LCD")
, clr: "#000000"
, clear: function() {}
, setColor: function(r,g,b) {
// console.log("LCD.setColor(): " + r + "-" + g + "-" + b);
var clr = "#";
clr += ("0" + (Math.round(r * 255) & 255).toString(16)).substr(-2);
clr += ("0" + (Math.round(g * 255) & 255).toString(16)).substr(-2);
clr += ("0" + (Math.round(b * 255) & 255).toString(16)).substr(-2);
this.clr = clr;
, fillRect(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
// console.log("LCD.fillRect(): " + this.clr + " " + x1 + "@" + y1 + "x" + x2 + "@" + y2);
var ctx = this.dsp.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = this.clr;
ctx.fillRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1);
var BTN = new Pin("BTN");
var B15 = new Pin("B15");
<script> // ---------- Espruino user code ----------
SPI2.setup({baud:3200000, mosi:B15});
var rgb = new Uint8Array(50*3);
var WX = 240, HY = 320, Orient = "y", xi, yi, xd, yd;
if (Orient === "x") {
xi = Math.floor(WX / (rgb.length / 3)); yi = 0; xd = xi - 1; yd = 29;
} else {
xi = 0; yi = Math.floor(HY / (rgb.length / 3)); xd = 29; yd = yi - 1;
var pos=0;
function lightsOff() {
cycle = clearInterval(cycle);
for (var i=0;i<rgb.length;i+=3) {
rgb[i ] = 0;
rgb[i+1] = 0;
rgb[i+2] = 0;
} SPI2.send4bit(rgb, 0b0001, 0b0011);
var patterns = [];
patterns.push(function() {
// Fading white lights
// LCD.clear(); // allObjects: this does not belong here
for (var i=0;i<rgb.length;i+=3) {
var col = (Math.sin(i+pos*0.2)+1) * 127;
rgb[i ] = col;
rgb[i+1] = col;
rgb[i+2] = col;
} });
patterns.push(function() {
// Red Light
for (var i=0;i<rgb.length;i+=3) {
var col = 255;
rgb[i ] = col;
rgb[i+1] = 0;
rgb[i+2] = 0;
} });
patterns.push(function() {
// Green Light
for (var i=0;i<rgb.length;i+=3) {
var col = 255;
rgb[i ] = 0;
rgb[i+1] = col;
rgb[i+2] = 0;
} });
patterns.push(function() {
// Blue Light
for (var i=0;i<rgb.length;i+=3) {
var col = 255;
rgb[i ] = 0;
rgb[i+1] = 0;
rgb[i+2] = col;
} });
patterns.push(function() {
// Yellow light
for (var i=0;i<rgb.length;i+=3) {
var col = 255;
rgb[i ] = col;
rgb[i+1] = col;
rgb[i+2] = 0;
} });
patterns.push(function() {
// Cyan light
for (var i=0;i<rgb.length;i+=3) {
var col = 255;
rgb[i ] = 0;
rgb[i+1] = col;
rgb[i+2] = col;
} });
patterns.push(function() {
// Fading colours
for (var i=0;i<rgb.length;i+=3) {
rgb[i ] = (1 + Math.sin((i+pos)*0.1324))*127;
rgb[i+1] = (1 + Math.sin((i+pos)*0.1654))*127;
rgb[i+2] = (1 + Math.sin((i+pos)*0.1)) * 127;
} });
patterns.push(function() {
// Random blue lights
for (var i=0;i<rgb.length;i+=3) {
rgb[i ] = 0;
rgb[i+1] = 0;
rgb[i+2] = Math.random()*255;
} });
var getPattern = patterns[0];
function changePattern() {
patternNumber = (patternNumber+1) % patterns.length;
getPattern = patterns[patternNumber];
SPI2.send4bit(rgb, 0b0001, 0b0011);
var patternNumber = 0;
function changePattern() {
patternNumber = (patternNumber+1) % patterns.length;
getPattern = patterns[patternNumber];
// console.log("changePattern(): patternNumber = "+patternNumber);
setWatch(changePattern, BTN, { repeat: true, edge:'rising', debounce: 50 });
// cycle = setInterval(doLights,50);
// this below was ^
function doLights() {
var x = 0, y = 0;
for (var i=0;i<rgb.length;i+=3) {
x += xi; y += yi;
SPI2.send4bit(rgb, 0b0001, 0b0011);
var cycle ;
function lightsOn() {
if (!cycle) {
cycle = setInterval(doLights,50);
There are some small change/fix to your code of which commenting the LCD.clear() statement is noteworthy.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
@GarrettL, what I prepared for you are 2 emulations in html5 and movie clips of them running: your initial code and then the code with my suggestion changes to display the LEDs on the display in maximal size - in either vertical or horizontal orientation . Click RGBLightsEmulation2.html link, play with it, view the source (in the browser). To run it on Espruino, copy the portion from line 29 through 223 to the Espruino Web IDE, upload it to your board, and run it by entering in the console
, respective.I used emulation to verify the code because I do not have the LED string and didn't want to wire up my SPI connected LCD to Original/Pico/Wifi/Puck Espruino boards (using the LCD over SPI is so slow that it does not allow to have 50ms redraw cycles... :(... ). Furthermore, emulation shows that cross development is easily and quickly to achieve, is very useful, and is fun. Note that I use your Espruino code as is (with a minor fix that has nothing to do with the emulation0)...
You can run the emulations yourself by clicking on the html attachments. You start and stop the lights by clicking on lightsOn() and lightsOff() buttons. These buttons are for convenience and work as if you entered the commands into the Espruino console (or browser debug console). Cycling through your light patterns is done by clicking repeatedly on the BTN button.
The code in html5 with my suggested modifications for displaying the LED string in maximal size - either vertical or horizontal - looks like below and includes the code for Espruino from line 83 thru 223:
There are some small change/fix to your code of which commenting the LCD.clear() statement is noteworthy.
5 Attachments