• Updating the software.
    The calibration menu system is now working after a rewrite of the module and additions to the menu program.
    The calibrations are now stored in ROM page 99. To change this:
    Look for: var CalPage=99; //ROM page where calibration is saved
    savecal.js is used to write the calibration structure to the ROM, and should be the first program that you run to prime the data structure for the menu programs.
    The modules should be copied to your local project module directory
    slimLSM9DS1.js has not changed,
    calibrateLSM9DS1.js has significantly changed. Callbacks are used and the calibration covers all the scales of the sensors-
    BRICK CAUTIONS still apply to the menu programs. Be sure that the exits from these programs work before doing a save to a PICO as they redirect the USB port from the Console. Most important if you edit these programs!
    AmenuCalSlimLSM9DS1.js will allow you to perform calibrations, save them to ROM, view the calibration values, change sensor scales and data rates and collect data. It uses the calibrateLSM9DS1.js module which loads the slimLSM9DS1.js module as well.
    AtestmenuSlimLSM9DS1.js leaves out the calibration procedures and uses the slimLSM9DS1.js module.
    The only outstanding issue are the accelerometer readings on the 16g scale.
    The other scales move the one-g reading from axis to axis as the sensor is moved.
    The 1-g on the 16g scale moves but the value is diminished on the X and Y axis for some reason

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