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  • I received my Pucks today and immediately started to try to give them life.

    As I am running Windows 10 i am limited to using the native IDE, but after a few hours I was up and running.

    The "Controlling other Pucks" is a great starter sample, but seems to have a few limitations:

    1. When the slave Puck is paired with Windows it is not found by the master Puck. I have to unpair in Windows to make it work.
    2. I tried to meake two pucks connect to each other, but the fist connection seems to disable the reverse connection.

    Both issues probably has to do with BLE limitations. As it is hard to debug an unpaired Puck, I have not been able to dig deeper.

    Can anyone help me with this? Do I have to release the outgoing connection on Puck1 to make it accept incoming connections from Puck2?


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