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  • Hey, yeah, I completely closed Chrome, the computer, the lid, everything. Actually, it does work when you restart the computer, but it's then re-pairing following a sleep that was at issue (which is why I jumped on this issue - sorry JackJamesHoward)

    I did connect to the Mac before figuring out the web bluetooth. Removing from the Mac bluetooth (using alt+click on the system tray), and then pairing from the browser first seems to have resolved the re-connection issue. It does now still show up in the system tray, but it's no longer a problem.

    I did also need to do a Web IDE cache clear and reset the puck. Though I'm uncertain if that was related.

    So, steps to fix my reconnection issue:

    • Get OS to forget (remove using alt+click on the system tray)
    • Reset puck.
    • Clear Browser caches.
    • Start again from the Web IDE at

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