For a small project I'm searching a sensor to read a color pixel matrix.
Pixel map somewhere between 16x16 and 64x64 would be fine, color 2 bit each color is sufficient.
Speed is not a big problem, reading the matrix once a second would be the target.
Last not least, an interface for Espruino (I2C, SPI, serial) would be fine.
Just seen ASDN 5050 mentioned by Gordon, is there something like the ASDN 5050 with color info ?
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For a small project I'm searching a sensor to read a color pixel matrix.
Pixel map somewhere between 16x16 and 64x64 would be fine, color 2 bit each color is sufficient.
Speed is not a big problem, reading the matrix once a second would be the target.
Last not least, an interface for Espruino (I2C, SPI, serial) would be fine.
Just seen ASDN 5050 mentioned by Gordon, is there something like the ASDN 5050 with color info ?