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  • Hello :)

    I'm having a bit of trouble with the Espruino Wifi pwm pins. My aim is to control my TV via infrared.

    Running the code below with the same LED on a Pico has a 100% success rate of powering on my TV, however the Wifi is only able to work 3/10 times.

    As far as I can tell from the board pinout, A5 and A6 have the same features for both the pico and wifi.

    Both boards are running 1v87.

    function on() {
      var command = new Float32Array(
      emit(command, A5, A6);
    function emit(command, pinOne, pinTwo) {
      digitalPulse(pinTwo, 1, command);
      digitalPulse(pinTwo, 1, 0);

    Is it possible that the faster cpu in the wifi is breaking the PWM timings?


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