• #2
@Aleksandrs, for what ever reason the conversation about After reboot HTTP do not working need reflash from WEB IDE is closed. It shows a closed pad lock next to the conversation title, and therefore nobody can respond to it. Furthermore, it has no explaining text about the steps you took to get to where you are.
Because @ClearMemory041063 wanted to respond, he 'recreated' the conversation. To include everything in this conversation, I'm replicating the code. @Aleksandrs, please provide context - board, wiring, etc,... and steps you took.
var wifi = require("Wifi"); var dht = require("DHT22").connect(D0); // GPIO4 var lastDhtData ="none"; // Init WiFi Networks wifi.setHostname("my1"); wifi.connect("XXX", {password:"XXX"}, function(err){ console.log("connected? err=", err, "info=", wifi.getIP()); }); wifi.stopAP(); wifi.save(); function init() { initServer(); //setInterval(function(){ console.log(process.memory()); }, 100000); //require("ESP8266").setLog(2); } function initServer() { var http = require("http"); console.log("Initalizing server instance..."); // Create Http Answer http.createServer(function(req, res){ var request = url.parse(req.url, true); var action = request.query; res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); res.write('<html><head></head><body>'); res.write(lastDhtData); res.end('</body></html>'); }).listen(80); } // Get data from sensor every 1 minut setInterval(function(){ dht.read(function (a) { lastDhtData = a.temp.toString()+","+a.rh.toString(); }); },60000); // Send to server every 10 minut setInterval(function(){ postToServer(lastDhtData); },600000); function postToServer(data){ var options = { host: 'MAINLINK', port: '80', path:'/event', method:'POST', headers: { "Content-Type":"application/json", "Content-Length":data.length } }; require("http").request(options, function(res){ var d = ""; res.on('data', function(data) { d+= data; }); res.on('close', function(data) { console.log("Closed: "+d); }); }).end(data); } E.on('init', function() { init(); }); /* setWatch(function(e){ console.log(e.time - e.lastTime); }, D1, {repeat: true, edge:"both"}); */
• #3
My apologies i rising this problem... need start HTTP server after connecting to WiFi
• #4
No problem, that's why we are all out here on the forum to help each other going and having fun... all this easy to use IoT: a new world! and especially with the easy and ready to use Espruino!
• #5
Yes, need Http server run after WiFi getting IP address
// Init WiFi Networks wifi.setHostname("my1"); wifi.connect("xxx", {password:"xxx"}, function(err){ setTimeout(function(){ console.log("connected? err=", err, "info=", wifi.getIP()); // Init Your Http Server Init(); },5000); }); wifi.stopAP(); wifi.save();
• #6
Hi @Aleksandrs see the attached file:
I hope it gets you started.>echo(0); To run in left pane enter test(); To save for boot and run enter save(); in left pane =undefined >save(); =undefined Erasing Flash..... Writing.................. Compressed 81600 bytes to 16091 Checking... Done! Start Start connection process Try again Reset the ESP8266 Connecting to WiFi IP= null Get Get
The code:
//alex2.js //1 Oct 2016 //var dht = require("DHT22").connect(D0); // GPIO4 var lastDhtData ="DHT reading goes here"; var testcount=0; //espruino board with ESP8266 //PICO with ESP8266 //IP= //Use the following in the browser // //IP= //Use the following in the browser // //var Hardware=0; //Espruino board var Hardware =1; //PICO var SSID="ssid"; var key= "passcode"; var Serial; function test(){ if(Hardware===1)Serial=Serial2; if(Hardware===0)Serial=Serial4; if(Hardware===1){ digitalWrite(B9,1); // enable on Pico Shim V2 Serial.setup(115200, { rx: A3, tx : A2 }); //Pico } if(Hardware===0)Serial.setup(115200, { rx: C11, tx : C10 }); //espruino board console.log("Start connection process"); var wifi = require("ESP8266WiFi_0v25").connect(Serial, function(err) { if (err)return 1;// throw err; console.log("Reset the ESP8266"); wifi.reset(function(err) { if (err)return 1;// throw err; console.log("Connecting to WiFi"); wifi.connect(SSID,key, function(err) { if (err)return 1;//throw err; wifi.getIP(function(l,ip){ console.log("IP= ",ip,"\n\r"+l); // Now you can do something, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// serveHTML(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// });//end getIP });//end connect SSID });//end reset });//end conect serial }//end test //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function serveHTML(){ var http=require("http").createServer(onPageRequest).listen(8080); }//end serveFile var pdata=""; function onPageRequest(req, res) { //console.log("Req= ",req); //console.log("Header",req.headers); if (req.method=="POST") { console.log("Post"); doPost(req,res); }else{ doGet(req,res); }//endif }//end on PageRequest var KMtext1="<html><body style=\"text-align:center;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;\"> \r\n<h1>"; var KMtext2="</h1>\r\n</body> \r\n</html> \r\n"; function doGet(req,res){ var a = url.parse(req.url, true); console.log("Get"); res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); res.write(KMtext1); res.write(lastDhtData); res.write(KMtext2); res.end(""); } function doPost1(req,res){ //todo read posted data, compose reply and send it } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get data from sensor every 1 minute setInterval(function(){ /* dht.read(function (a) { lastDhtData = a.temp.toString()+","+a.rh.toString(); }); */ testcount++; lastDhtData= "data= "+testcount; },1000); //60000); E.on('init', function() { var x; console.log("Start"); x=test(); if(x!==0)console.log("Try again");//error seen if(x===0) console.log("Exit Seen"); }); console.log("To run in left pane enter test();"); console.log("To save for boot and run enter save(); in left pane");
(As another user)
Did you load the program into the device and then in the left pane of the WebIDE type in