I'm having some trouble getting infrared to correctly transmit from the Pico. Using the same PWM data (microseconds) and components I'm able to see it working using an arduino.
The Pico is running 1v87 and I was unable to get the Pico infrared example transmitting (receiving is working and also reads the same values as the arudino).
function toMillis(i) {
return i / 1000;
var powerOn = [
analogWrite(A5, 1, {freq:35000});
digitalPulse(A6, 1, powerOn);
digitalPulse(A6, 1, 0);
analogWrite(A5, 0, {freq:35000}); // without this the IR LED never turns off
Unfortunately I don't have an oscilloscope at hand to see what A5/A6 are actually outputting :(
Am I missing something obvious?
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I'm having some trouble getting infrared to correctly transmit from the Pico. Using the same PWM data (microseconds) and components I'm able to see it working using an arduino.
The Pico is running 1v87 and I was unable to get the Pico infrared example transmitting (receiving is working and also reads the same values as the arudino).
Minimal arduino sketch based on Arduino-IRremote
Pico code
Unfortunately I don't have an oscilloscope at hand to see what A5/A6 are actually outputting :(
Am I missing something obvious?