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  • XPT2046.js module code:

    XPT2046 (pin/function compatible to ADS7843) 
    Resistive Touch Screen Controller module
    ` ` `
    var touch, touchModule = require("XPT2046");
    function onInit() {
          // ...
          // setup touchscreen 
          SPI2.setup({sck:B13, miso:B14, mosi:B15, baud: 2000000});
          touch = tMod.connect(
              // spi, cs, irq, callback, calc // landscape
              SPI2, B10, B1, function(x, y, rd) {  // portrait
                  if (x !== undefined) {
          }, function(yr, xr, d) { // calc function - converts raw data to x / y coordinates;
            // scale and offset values calculated using markers and default calc function.
            // see - Touchscreen     
    //      return [ Math.round(xr / xsc + xos) // / x scale per pixel + x offset
    //             , Math.round(yr / ysc + yos) // / y scale per pixel + y offset
            return [ Math.round(xr / -121.44          + 259.70685111989) 
                   , Math.round(yr /   88.90357142857 + -19.78130398103)
          // ...
    ` ` `
    exports = // XPT2046 module
    { calc: function(x, y, d) { return [x,y,d]; } // default calculation
    , connect: function(spi, cs, irq, callback, calc) {
        // overwrite default 'calculation': pass thru incl. raw values
        if (calc) { this.calc = calc; }
        // wake the controller up
        // look for a press
        var watchFunction = function() {
          var interval = setInterval(function () {
            if (!digitalRead(irq)) { // touch down
              var d = spi.send([0x90,0,0xD0,0,0], cs);
              callback.apply(undefined, this.calc(d[1]*256+d[2], d[3]*256+d[4], d));
            } else {
              interval = undefined;
              setWatch(watchFunction, irq, { repeat : false, edge: "falling" });
          }.bind(this), 50);
        setWatch(watchFunction, irq, { repeat : false, edge: "falling" });
        return this;

    Application using the (minified) module code from local Web IDE sandbox/modules folder. Note the touchscreen module .connect() that is supplied with the calculation function to converts the raw screen controller data into x and y for the screen.

    // TFT24TRCportraitCalibr3.js - XPT2046 module test
    //  2.4" 240x320 262K Color TFT LCD ILI9341 on SPI1 with 
    //  Resistive Touch Screen Controller XPT2046 on SPI2
    //  using out of box ILI9341 and ADS7843 modules.
    // Wiring:
    //  2.4"
    //  DSP                  PICO [<---USB
    //   1   VCC      red     3   3.3            shared
    //   2   GND      blk     1   GND            shared
    //   3   CS       blu     7   B6   CS        LCD
    //   4   RST      brn     9   A8   reset RST LCD
    //   5   D/C      grn     8   B7   D/C       LCD
    //   6   MOSI     ylw     6   B5   SPI1 MOSI LCD
    //   7   SCK      wht     4   B3   SPI1 SCK  LCD
    //   8   LED      org    18   A5   LED       LCD
    //   9   MISO     grn     5   B4   SPI1 MISO LCD
    //  10   T_CLK    wht    23   B13  SPI2 SCK  Touch
    //  11   T_CS     ylw    22   B10  CS        Touch
    //  12   T_MOSI   grn    25   B15  SPI2 MOSI Touch
    //  13   T_MISO   blu    24   B14  SPI2 MISO Touch
    //  14   T_IRQ    blk    21   B1   IRQ       Touch
    var dW = 240, dH = 320, dsp, dMod = require("ILI9341"),
        touch, tMod = require("XPT2046");
    // marker specs (lik dice face 5; top left to bottom right)
    var mrks =
        [{i:1, label:"topLeft    ", x: 20, y: 20, xOff: 14, yOff:-6}
        ,{i:2, label:"topRight   ", x:220, y: 20, xOff:-66, yOff:-6}
        ,{i:3, label:"center     ", x:120, y:160, xOff:-29, yOff:14}
        ,{i:4, label:"bottomLeft ", x: 20, y:300, xOff: 14, yOff:-6}
        ,{i:5, label:"bottomRight", x:220, y:300, xOff:-74, yOff:-6}
    var mSiz = 9; // half of marker size, (0.7 of font size)
    // print marker at x/y of size s with x/y label
    function mrkr(d,x,y,s,xOff,yOff) {
      dsp.setFontVector(s / 0.7);
      dsp.drawString(x + " / " + y, x+xOff, y+yOff);
    function fInt(i,l) { return ("        " + i).substr(-l); }
    function onInit() {
      SPI1.setup({sck:B3, miso:B4, mosi:B5, baud: 1000000});
                       // spi, dc, cs, rst, callback
      dsp = dMod.connect(SPI1, B7, B6, A8, function() {
          // print markers like dice face of 5
          mrks.forEach(function(m) {
            mrkr(dsp, m.x, m.y, mSiz, m.xOff, m.yOff); });
          // setup touchscreen 
          SPI2.setup({sck:B13, miso:B14, mosi:B15, baud: 2000000});
          touch = tMod.connect(
              // spi, cs, irq, callback, calc
              SPI2, B10, B1, function(x, y) {
                if (x !== undefined) {
              }, function(yr, xr, d) {
                // calc function - converts raw data to x / y coordinates;
                // scale and offset values calculated using calibration 
                // markers and default calc function. For more details see
                // - Touchscreen
    //          return [ Math.round(xr / xsc + xos) // / x scale per pixel + x offset
    //                 , Math.round(yr / ysc + yos) // / y scale per pixel + y offset
                return [ Math.round(xr / -121.44          + 259.70685111989) 
                       , Math.round(yr /   88.90357142857 + -19.78130398103)

    Related console output (tapping on markers on screen).

    NOTE the last 4 lines which lay outside of the display, because the touch screen has a pretty sizable porch at the bottom.

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    Note: This module is used in Modular and extensible UI framework and ui elements conversation.

    1 Attachment


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