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  • Wow, nice! Well, that would be good - the worry for me is this is Apple, and with HomeKit they've intentionally kept it non-open... I think I'll get in trouble unless I sign up to the Apple MFI program for £££ and pay them per-unit.

    Honestly, as nice as it is, I'm pretty sure one of 3 things would happen if I used this:

    • Takedown notice
    • I get Sued
    • Apple changes HomeKit such that the code won't work any more (probably whitelisting only their device MAC addresses?)

    Nordic actually have a IoT SDK here:­Bluetooth-low-energy/nRF5-SDK-for-IoT

    Which includes code for a OpenWRT or Raspberry Pi-based router, which I think is the way forward for now. My understanding is it's supposed to all be standards-compliant, so the actual router manufacturers should be starting to implement it at some point.


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