So I actually tore into my oscilloscope and found that a wire on the horizontal deflection plate was disconnected. Anyways, I can say that when less than about 9.5 volts the pico keeps working. 10 volts will cause a slow resetting of the pico while at 13 volts it will reset quite a bit faster. Also at 10 volts it takes a few seconds before it started resetting where as 13 volts it's immediate. The USB side of the Schottky diode appears to be pulsing and the BAT side is steady. So at BAT 12 volts the USB side is jumping between around 3.3 volts and 8 volts. FET and B0 are not connected and when checked for resistance do not register at all. The supply side of the regulator is steady at BAT Volts and GND is steady 0v where 3.3 pulses to 0v
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So I actually tore into my oscilloscope and found that a wire on the horizontal deflection plate was disconnected. Anyways, I can say that when less than about 9.5 volts the pico keeps working. 10 volts will cause a slow resetting of the pico while at 13 volts it will reset quite a bit faster. Also at 10 volts it takes a few seconds before it started resetting where as 13 volts it's immediate. The USB side of the Schottky diode appears to be pulsing and the BAT side is steady. So at BAT 12 volts the USB side is jumping between around 3.3 volts and 8 volts. FET and B0 are not connected and when checked for resistance do not register at all. The supply side of the regulator is steady at BAT Volts and GND is steady 0v where 3.3 pulses to 0v