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  • I'm probably a bit dense today, but I'm not quite seeing how to use E.setBootCode. What I'd like to do is save some low-level modules that are stable to make more space for my own code. For example, I'd like to save the MCP_23008 module, which I have in a file MCP23008.js. And then I'd like to be able to iterate uploading my_project.js which uses the MCP23008 module. How do I do this?
    I suppose I start loading MCP23008.js into the IDE, check the Save on send flag, and hit the upload button. Now the module is saved. I can reset() for good measure. But it's not really loaded as a module, right? And when I now upload my_project.js the module registry gets cleared anyway, right? Or do I need to add something like var mcp = require("MCP23008") at the end of the MCP23008.js file to get a reference into a variable? Or...

    NB: have you thought about how a target like the esp8266 could use a different bigger flash area for the setBootCode?


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