Well, not sure about the details of USB... NOT connected directly to the STM32 via the direct USB support. Rather, I'm connected via USB to a Prolific USB->Serial chip on the board that then connects via normal serial to UART function on two pins on the STM32.
This is an HY-STM32V with the 3.2" touchscreen. The serial connection from the USB chip is connected to pins A9/A10 TX/RX.
I tried what you posted above, and got this result:
Uncaught Error: Function "setup" not found!
at line 1 col 8
Reviewing the Serial class documentation, this makes sense -- don't I have to have an actual instance of the Serial class to use it? The documentation talks about pre-instantiated instances Serial1, Serial2, ... and USB.
So, still stuck. And, there's no doubt it's 9600 baud :-)
My main issue here is that at 9600 baud loading the GUI code I'm developing takes a long time, which is painful with edit/test cycles.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Well, not sure about the details of USB... NOT connected directly to the STM32 via the direct USB support. Rather, I'm connected via USB to a Prolific USB->Serial chip on the board that then connects via normal serial to UART function on two pins on the STM32.
This is an HY-STM32V with the 3.2" touchscreen. The serial connection from the USB chip is connected to pins A9/A10 TX/RX.
I tried what you posted above, and got this result:
Reviewing the Serial class documentation, this makes sense -- don't I have to have an actual instance of the Serial class to use it? The documentation talks about pre-instantiated instances Serial1, Serial2, ... and USB.
So, still stuck. And, there's no doubt it's 9600 baud :-)
My main issue here is that at 9600 baud loading the GUI code I'm developing takes a long time, which is painful with edit/test cycles.