When the ESP32 starts to ship, I for one will happily volunteer to port to ESP32. I am still waiting on details but believe that the ESP32 will be core based on RTOS ... that will take a bit of effort. But after the work done last year on getting Espruino running on the ESP8266, it shouldn't be too awful. And with the upping from 96KBytes to 512KBytes of RAM ... we should be in GREAT shape for larger apps.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
When the ESP32 starts to ship, I for one will happily volunteer to port to ESP32. I am still waiting on details but believe that the ESP32 will be core based on RTOS ... that will take a bit of effort. But after the work done last year on getting Espruino running on the ESP8266, it shouldn't be too awful. And with the upping from 96KBytes to 512KBytes of RAM ... we should be in GREAT shape for larger apps.