Thanks for the encouragement. Making a module makes sense. Since my last post I've managed to chain timer 1 and 2 together to do a 32bit counter. I'm working on making it work using any two timers. Future work is mode 2 counting, a one time pulse timer, chaining the OTP to gate a counter, the capture modes that measure a pulse, encoder mode for a shaft encoder, and finally the motor control mode for timers 1 and 8. Lots of work. Maybe more than one module. The biggest headache is determining the pin out of the timers as it is not well documented.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Thanks for the encouragement. Making a module makes sense. Since my last post I've managed to chain timer 1 and 2 together to do a 32bit counter. I'm working on making it work using any two timers. Future work is mode 2 counting, a one time pulse timer, chaining the OTP to gate a counter, the capture modes that measure a pulse, encoder mode for a shaft encoder, and finally the motor control mode for timers 1 and 8. Lots of work. Maybe more than one module. The biggest headache is determining the pin out of the timers as it is not well documented.