Gordon: I have lots of old USB cables with ferrites on them, if I clip one of those onto the black cable which end should it go near ?
AllObjects: I powered the shift register with 3v -- should I switch that to 5v ?
AllObjects: I am interested in the 'decoupling' could you please re-state it more concretely ?
Here are more pictures, a better description, a parts inventory, and the code I used
Thanks, Al;
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@user58511 started
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Gordon: I have lots of old USB cables with ferrites on them, if I clip one of those onto the black cable which end should it go near ?
AllObjects: I powered the shift register with 3v -- should I switch that to 5v ?
AllObjects: I am interested in the 'decoupling' could you please re-state it more concretely ?
Here are more pictures, a better description, a parts inventory, and the code I used
12 Attachments