I'm trying to connect 330 WS2812B LEDs to an ESP8266, using neopixelWrite. However it doesn't seem to work above around 200 LEDs, it starts behaving oddly and turning off earlier LEDs. It looks like it might be an overflow error, could that be possible?
I'm testing it with a really long array, which could also be the problem if Espruino has a maximum array length.
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I'm trying to connect 330 WS2812B LEDs to an ESP8266, using neopixelWrite. However it doesn't seem to work above around 200 LEDs, it starts behaving oddly and turning off earlier LEDs. It looks like it might be an overflow error, could that be possible?
I'm testing it with a really long array, which could also be the problem if Espruino has a maximum array length.