While this is nice ( & I still have to code stuff to connect directly to the Power Gauge A0 pin - directly connected to the INA169 "Current Shunt Monitor" ), I'm still looking for alternative ways to doing so, starting with:
using a hall effect sensor to be able to take measurement while not directly connected
have a clean hack to know exactly how much a power supply provides ? ( I know we gotta digg the specs for that, but I'm still wondering, convinced that the reason I don't know is my lack of knowledge on this, if there's some trick out there to doing so ;p )
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Hi there !
I was ( and am still ) looking for the most practical ways to sense voltage, current & wattage, and ended up using the "Power Gauge" from Adafruit ( provides an nice TTL output to read from )
if it's of any use, I wrote the following Espruino code for it https://github.com/stephaneAG/Espruino_tests/blob/master/currentMeasurement/powerConsumption.js
While this is nice ( & I still have to code stuff to connect directly to the Power Gauge A0 pin - directly connected to the INA169 "Current Shunt Monitor" ), I'm still looking for alternative ways to doing so, starting with:
a custom implm of the circuit that uses an INA169 https://123d.circuits.io/circuits/2078847-current-measurement-circuit-ina169-version ( not yet tested - code should be close as below one )
a custom implm of a circuit that does nearly the same job https://123d.circuits.io/circuits/2045597-current-measurement-circuit-ad623-version ( to be tested soon - code related ( converted from Arduino ) not yet tested here https://github.com/stephaneAG/Espruino_tests/blob/master/currentMeasurement/getAmps.js )
using a hall effect sensor to be able to take measurement while not directly connected
have a clean hack to know exactly how much a power supply provides ? ( I know we gotta digg the specs for that, but I'm still wondering, convinced that the reason I don't know is my lack of knowledge on this, if there's some trick out there to doing so ;p )
Any thoughts ? :)