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  • I am new to all this stof. There are lots I do not understand. But it is a wonderful world to dive into.

    Did you adjust the timing constants to maintain the overall clock rate? It seems that the addition of your code must have affected the performance...

    No my only wish was to make clock streching working for my HTU21D.
    Yes I know it take longer with every read, because of the extra instructions.

    What does the 'DD' in i2c_master_getDD stand for? For reference, the DC in i2c_master_setDC stands for Data/Clock.

    I had to find a name and saw this, and it only reads SDA

    \#define i2c_master_getDC(void) ((GPIO_REG_READ(GPIO_IN_ADDRESS) >> pinSDA) & 1)

    so I made one for SCL

    \#define i2c_master_getDD(void) ((GPIO_REG_READ(GPIO_IN_ADDRESS) >> pinSCL) & 1) // PB

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