My computer's timezone is set correctly, but the Pico seems to be set to GMT no matter what.
Here is the code I am using to find out my local sunrise & sunset -- it relies on a variable containing my timezone offset, which I must keep up-to-date based on DST here...
The trick for me is to just do everything as GMT and then only change for the display
// myWhere and TZ offset
var myLatitude = 41.0;
var myLongitude = -72.0;
var myTZDeltaMins = -300;
var gmtDateNow =;
var suncalc = require("");
function dateLocalTZ( gmtDate, tzMins ) {
return new Date(gmtDate.getTime() + (tzMins*60000));
function dateStrMinusTZ ( anyDate ) {
return anyDate.toString().replace(' GMT+0000','');
var gmtTimes = suncalc.getTimes( gmtDateNow, myLatitude, myLongitude );
var mySunrise = dateLocalTZ(gmtTimes.sunrise,myTZDeltaMins);
var mySunset = dateLocalTZ(gmtTimes.sunset,myTZDeltaMins);
if ( (gmtDateNow > gmtTimes.sunrise) && (gmtDateNow < gmtTimes.sunset) ) {
console.log('it should be light outside');
} else {
console.log('it should be dark outside');
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My computer's timezone is set correctly, but the Pico seems to be set to GMT no matter what.
Here is the code I am using to find out my local sunrise & sunset -- it relies on a variable containing my timezone offset, which I must keep up-to-date based on DST here...
The trick for me is to just do everything as GMT and then only change for the display