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  • sometimes still returning negative temperature values with that module version, would say this is a ESP specific thing, will try by tomorrow again with a pico

    Temp is 23.9 and RH is 34.8
    Temp is -23.9 and RH is 34.6
    Temp is 23.9 and RH is 34.5
    Temp is -23.9 and RH is 34.3
    Temp is -23.9 and RH is 34.2
    Temp is -23.9 and RH is 34.2
    Temp is 23.9 and RH is 34.1
    Temp is 23.9 and RH is 34
    Temp is 23.9 and RH is 34
    Temp is -23.9 and RH is 33.8
    Temp is -23.9 and RH is 33.8

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