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  • @DrAzzy, sorry for a misunderstanding. I would like to have full serial support in ESP8266, no question. I have to connect an Espruino which works as a datalogger. Handshaking of data and commands between both is not smart, but it is doable.
    Right now as a given fact, there is nobody having time, knowledge and interest to implement full serial support. Its the same status like other boards. Lot of them have restrictions, are not 100% compatible with Espruino Boards.
    Still, main job of ESP8266 is Wifi and having in mind the price, Espruino working on this chip is great and helpful in projects. Last not least, in my experience, Espruino on ESP8266 is more reliable than nodemcu or standard firmware.
    Using lack of full Serial support as a showstopper, would be (IMHO) an overkill and not helpful for Espruino itself.


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