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  • After lengthy experimentation with the SIM800 / SIM900 modules, I hit a wall in what the built-in TCPIP capabilities are able to provide. My goal is to connect to the AWS IoT service (MQTT and TLS) over GSM/GPRS.

    I think what needs to happen is to use the SIM dial-up command (ATD*99#) along with a ppp / tcpip stack (and the existing TLS layer).

    Am I missing something that would already do what I'm trying to accomplish? If not, what is the possibility of this being incorporated into the Espruino core? I've been looking at the lwIP/PPP stack as reference, but wanted to check in before going to far down this road.

    On a side note: I discovered the SIM modules provide a FAT file system over AT API. They appear to have over a MB of storage that can be used - a nice feature to have available if you want to store things like ssl certificates and are low on flash space.


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