That's fair enough! As a matter of fact I was afraid that one would need to write the code in Assambler language to keep code delay to minimum. And it's fine that there is no hardware lock due to use in whatever board functionality of conflicting resources.
As for the speed in accessing data: there are plenty of applications like digital to analog audio conversion, bluetooth audio and possibly others where you won't need to store the data ( at least this is my assumption today ) but just to process it on the fly.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
That's fair enough! As a matter of fact I was afraid that one would need to write the code in Assambler language to keep code delay to minimum. And it's fine that there is no hardware lock due to use in whatever board functionality of conflicting resources.
As for the speed in accessing data: there are plenty of applications like digital to analog audio conversion, bluetooth audio and possibly others where you won't need to store the data ( at least this is my assumption today ) but just to process it on the fly.