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  • First of all thanks Gordon for the point on the two banks of memory on the F4 discovery. I will take a look on that and see if I can make it work. Additionally I would like to share that I've get to run HTTPS against my own server, so everything seems to work. But still no luck with Google Sheets. I will keep trying.
    About the second part of your answer I will be very pleased to support Espruino by purchasing a Pico board, even if I do not use it, but could you please tell me where to find also the ESP8266 adapter? None of the european distributors seems to have it.
    It is not a matter of saving 20$ but saving my time (I have to eat too). I live in Spain and there are no local distributors of Espruino here, so I really doubt I can get the board in my hands in less than a week. Any way, I will buy it, do not worry.


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