I have a simple project in which my Espruino wakes up every 2 seconds and takes a reading from a magnetometer, if the conditions are right, it wakes up an nfr2401 radio and sends a signal.
All OK and is very good, but I am trying to estimate how long a LIPO battery will last.
I put my multimeter into the correct mode, and put it in-line (?) (measure current ftw) between the LIPO and the Espruino, and fair enough I can see the numbers change as the current surges when the reading is taken and the radio is required to TX, i.e. from almost nothing to a jump then back down again in a blur.
What is the name of the equipment I would need to monitor and log this usage properly, say over a 5 minute period? (some expensive piece of kit no doubt)
What is the poor man's version of that?
I imagine this must be a common practice, how do you set up your workbench to monitor current use as you work?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I have a simple project in which my Espruino wakes up every 2 seconds and takes a reading from a magnetometer, if the conditions are right, it wakes up an nfr2401 radio and sends a signal.
All OK and is very good, but I am trying to estimate how long a LIPO battery will last.
I put my multimeter into the correct mode, and put it in-line (?) (measure current ftw) between the LIPO and the Espruino, and fair enough I can see the numbers change as the current surges when the reading is taken and the radio is required to TX, i.e. from almost nothing to a jump then back down again in a blur.
What is the name of the equipment I would need to monitor and log this usage properly, say over a 5 minute period? (some expensive piece of kit no doubt)
What is the poor man's version of that?
I imagine this must be a common practice, how do you set up your workbench to monitor current use as you work?