I'll be following progress on your prototyping boards. I have some ESP8266-12 on order, but in their defence i've had a lot of mileage from the several ESP8266-01 boards I have, despite the restricted GPIO and memory constraints. Two GPIO is enough for a lot of applications. I have a DS18B20 sensor and 433Mhz radio running reliably.
The 01 is possibly the version most Espruino users will have to hand too given it's application as a wifi adapter for the Pico - that's how I got started with them
One disadvantage with the 01 is obviously how breadboard unfriendly it is.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I'll be following progress on your prototyping boards. I have some ESP8266-12 on order, but in their defence i've had a lot of mileage from the several ESP8266-01 boards I have, despite the restricted GPIO and memory constraints. Two GPIO is enough for a lot of applications. I have a DS18B20 sensor and 433Mhz radio running reliably.
The 01 is possibly the version most Espruino users will have to hand too given it's application as a wifi adapter for the Pico - that's how I got started with them
One disadvantage with the 01 is obviously how breadboard unfriendly it is.